Start strong
What plans do you have for the new year? Will you work on taking more time for yourself? Save for a dream vacation? Start a healthy diet you can stick with? If you’re hoping for 12 months of personal growth, here’s a great way to get started: Take the 2023 pledge — and invite your spouse or domestic partner to join you.
Looking for more? Find other articles below

Why is the pledge so important?
When you take the pledge, you agree to get to know your Costco benefits. Learn what they can do for you. And use them to improve your:
Emotional well-being
Reduce stress, improve relationships and build strength to find solutions for everyday challenges.
Financial well-being
Learn to make a budget, get out of debt, build your savings and safeguard your future.
Physical well-being
Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and stay on top of exams, screenings and vaccinations.
If this sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. Taking the pledge is the first step toward making real improvements in your well-being. Each month, you’ll receive an email summarizing the latest content here on your well-being portal, with links to new articles and videos that can help you improve your well-being. You’ll learn about your Costco benefits and hear from Costco employees who are using them to thrive.
Take the pledge and start growing!
To commit to your personal growth and get the most from your Costco benefits, visit your well-being portal and take the pledge.
Want to learn more about your 2023 Costco benefits? Check out the resources below.
Resources for you
To learn more about all the benefits available to you and your family, including your enhanced 2023 benefits, visit Costcobenefits.com.
To learn more about all the benefits available to you and your family, including your enhanced 2023 benefits, visit Costcobenefits.com.
To learn more about all the benefits available to you and your family, including your enhanced 2023 benefits, visit Costcobenefits.com.