Anne Webster: Welcome back to your employee podcast, where you can hear and learn from other Costco employees who have overcome or managed their own challenges with the help of Costco benefits. Today we’re talking with Costco employee Marisa Rhett.
Hi, Marisa. Thanks for being here.
Marisa Rhett: Hi. Thank you for having me.
Anne Webster: Let’s get to know you. How long have you been with Costco?
Marisa Rhett: I’ve been with Costco since 2018.
Anne Webster: And which location do you work at?
Marisa Rhett: I work in the home office, specifically in the Human Resources department.
Anne Webster: What do you do there?
Marisa Rhett: I am a Leave and Accommodation Specialist, which means I focus on assisting management employees with various things related to medical, accommodations, return to work leave, disability programs, and workers’ compensation.
Anne Webster: And how about outside of work? What do you like to do?
Marisa Rhett: My husband and I love to travel and explore, but beyond that, we have three amazing grown children that we spend a ton of time with. And we’re a competitive family, so we like to get ourselves sent to all kinds of different competitions from cooking to gaming to anything, craft cocktails.
Anne Webster: Great, great. Let’s get to your story. What are you here to talk about with us today?
Marisa Rhett: I have had some autoimmune issues for many years and I try to make sure that I’m not eating things that can cause inflammation in some way, but I’ve always had some problems with digestion and things like that, and I noticed that certain foods were giving me reactions. In April, I did see a series on Netflix called Hack Your Health, and it really talked about that gut microbiome and how it is connected to the brain. And it just resonated with me because I was having so many problems with anytime I ate not feeling great. And when I found out that Costco was offering the Cylinder program as one of their benefits, I was super excited because I couldn’t wait to get in there and find out how I could get my gut microbiomes back in check.
Anne Webster: I’m so happy you found Cylinder when you did. I know it’s the first digestive health program in Costco benefits. I understand the first step is you get a at-home gut microbiome test. Tell me about that experience.
Marisa Rhett: It’s super simple. I applied online, they sent a test kit, which included everything you need to take the test, bundle it back up and mail it off. You wait for your results. Once you get those results, you can speak with one of the coaches or you can just go through it yourself and it’s all done on a digital platform.
Anne Webster: And what kinds of stuff does the report on your results share?
Marisa Rhett: In my report, I found that I needed to add more things that were fermented, so more sauerkraut, more kimchi, things like that. Those created better gut biomes, which made me feel better. I didn’t have as much reaction after I ate things. The whole thing about Cylinder, it is really done on a complete digital platform and it’s a whole holistic approach and it’s catered to you and what you need out of it. So there is all kinds of support from dieticians and coaches, and there are podcasts you can listen to on there about foods. There’s all kinds of references that you can go through. It’s really unlimited and full of support.
Anne Webster: How are your symptoms now?
Marisa Rhett: Yeah, it’s definitely better. Of course, I have eaten things that I can absolutely tell the difference in, so it’s just helping me learn that and get on track.
Anne Webster: I think this is a really important program. Talking about digestive issues can be kind of tough.
Marisa Rhett: It is. It is. Nobody wants to talk about their gut microbiomes, but it is important.
Anne Webster: It does sound like Cylinder was a real life changer for you. Are there any other benefits out there that you’re eager to try?
Marisa Rhett: I became aware of the new Sleepio app benefits, so I’m excited to try that. That is my next benefit that I’m going to be testing out.
Anne Webster: And both Sleepio and Cylinder are no cost to you, so that makes them even easier to use. It sounds like you’re very aware of your Costco benefits. Do you do anything to stay on top of what’s out there?
Marisa Rhett: I do take the pledge every year, so that means that I get emails and text messages about things that are coming out or going to become available. I also go to the benefits site, review what’s out there. Every location has something that’s probably posted in their break room, but I always encourage everybody check them out because there’s so many wonderful benefits out there and we’re so fortunate to work for a company that offers us so much.
Anne Webster: Marisa, thank you for sharing your story and spending time with us. Until next time, stay well, be safe, and remember, we’re in this together.
Podcast episode 11: Listen to your gut
Costco leave and accommodation specialist Marisa Rhett noticed that her digestive system was off — that when she ate certain foods, she didn’t feel well. Hear how Cylinder* helped her discover what was happening in her gut microbiome and what steps she could take to feel better.
Cylinder is a no-cost digestive health program that can help with:
- Bloating
- Gas
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Celiac disease
- Food sensitivities
- IBS and more
Get a free at-home gut microbiome test to measure the bacteria in your gut. Then work with a team of experts to help you identify triggers causing your gut issues and work to relieve your symptoms.
Cylinder | 888-246-5019 | | Access code: Costco | Age 18+
*Cylinder is not available in Puerto Rico.