Know the signs of suicide risk
Suicide is on the rise in America, claiming tens of thousands of lives each year. We all have a responsibility – and an opportunity – to recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide risk in ourselves and others. Awareness can lead to prevention, and to lives saved.
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Watch, listen, be aware
Many people thinking of suicide have these changes in talk, mood, and behavior in common:

Some people are good at hiding their distress, and you may not notice any changes or other signs at all. But there are factors that make it more likely that someone will consider and/or attempt suicide. A relationship breakup, a history of abuse, the loss of a job, a mental health condition and genetics can all put a person at risk.
If you see these signs in someone or in yourself, take them seriously. Here are some things you can do:
Ask. “Are you having thoughts of suicide?” It’s not an easy question, but asking someone who’s going through a crisis lets them know you care. It also helps you know what they’re thinking so you can support them.
Keep them safe. Reducing a suicidal person’s access to highly lethal items is an important part of suicide prevention. This means removing or locking up medications, firearms, and items they could use to hurt themselves.
Be there. Sometimes the best thing we can do is listen. Take the time to hear how someone who is struggling is feeling.
Follow up with them. Studies show that the number of suicide deaths goes down when someone who has thoughts of suicide is followed up with. Be that person.
And, help them connect with resources available to them through their Costco benefits.
Resources for you
If you or someone you care about is struggling, help is available.
- To contact Resources For Living® (RFL®)* for free counseling sessions with either a licensed therapist or psychologist, call 833-721-2320 (TTY:711) or visit Costcobenefits.com.
- Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 741741. You can call or text for someone else who may need immediate help
- Consult with your primary care physician (PCP) for help with medication(s) and mental health care referrals. Don’t have a PCP? Visit Costcobenefits.com and click “Find a Provider” under What If I. You can also visit Aetna.com, or call your Aetna Health Concierge at 800-814-3543 (TTY: 711).
- Rethink provides parenting and family support at no cost. The program can help anyone raising tweens and teens with social, emotional and behavioral challenges — which can sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts. There is no age restriction, requires no diagnosis and is completely confidential. Visit RethinkBenefits.com or call 800-714-9285 to learn more.
*Resources For Living is available to all employees and members of their household, including children up to age 26 living away from home.
If you or someone you care about is struggling, help is available.
- To contact Resources For Living® (RFL®)* for free counseling sessions with either a licensed therapist or psychologist, call 833-721-2320 (TTY:711) or visit Costcobenefits.com.
- Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 741741. You can call or text for someone else who may need immediate help
- Consult with your primary care physician (PCP) for help with medication(s) and mental health care referrals. Don’t have a PCP? Visit Costcobenefits.com and click “Find a Provider” under What If I. You can also call TeleConsulta available through Triple-S 24/7 at 800-981-3241 to connect with a nurse for immediate attention.
- Rethink provides parenting and family support at no cost. The program can help anyone raising tweens and teens with social, emotional and behavioral challenges — which can sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts. There is no age restriction, requires no diagnosis and is completely confidential. Visit RethinkBenefits.com or call 800-714-9285 to learn more.
*Resources For Living is available to all employees and members of their household, including children up to age 26 living away from home.
If you or someone you care about is struggling, help is available.
- To contact Resources For Living® (RFL®)* for free counseling sessions with either a licensed therapist or psychologist, call 833-721-2320 (TTY:711) or visit Costcobenefits.com.
- Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 741741. You can call or text for someone else who may need immediate help
- Consult with your primary care physician (PCP) for help with medication(s) and mental health care referrals. Don’t have a PCP? Visit Costcobenefits.com and click “Find a Provider” under What If I. You can also call HMSA Online Care 24/7 at 800-776-4672 to connect with doctors or specialists.
- Rethink provides parenting and family support at no cost. The program can help anyone raising tweens and teens with social, emotional and behavioral challenges — which can sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts. There is no age restriction, requires no diagnosis and is completely confidential. Visit RethinkBenefits.com or call 800-714-9285 to learn more.
*Resources For Living is available to all employees and members of their household, including children up to age 26 living away from home.