APRIL 2022
6 financial tips for the sandwich generation
It seems like only yesterday that your kids were toddlers. Now they’re heading to college — just as your aging parents need your help. Congratulations, you’ve joined the sandwich generation. Whether this is your current situation — or one you may face in the future — taking care of multiple generations of your family can be tough on your stress level and your wallet.
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Here are six tips to help you support your loved ones while safeguarding your own financial well-being.
1. Get your finances on track.
Whether you’re currently caring for your kids and aging parents, or you’re on your own, now’s the time to get rid of your debt. Need help? Sign up for SmartDollar® and follow the 7 Baby Steps to restore your financial health.
2. Talk about finances early and often.
If you’re caring for your parents, don’t be afraid to ask them tough questions. Are they in debt? Do they have life insurance or long-term care insurance? Do they understand their investments? Do they have a will? Can they share its location with you? As for your grown children, ask them about their goals. Talk to them about lifestyle changes they need to make to get where they want to be.
3. Start planning for the right kind of elder care
If your parents need in-home care, an assisted living facility or a nursing home, you’ll need to discuss the financial impact with them. Decide what type of care fits their budget (or yours, if you’re the one supporting them). Visit Resources For Living® for adult and elder care referrals and to find out more about the 30-minute free legal consultations available to you.
4. Save and invest for your own retirement.
If you aren’t already doing it, start saving for retirement. By making your retirement savings a priority, you can save your kids from the same stress you might be going through now with your own parents. The sooner you take advantage of your Costco Retirement Plan, the more you’ll save.
5. Save for your children’s college.
It’s never too early to start exploring the best ways to save for your kid’s college education. If they’re still in high school, make sure their dream college is one you can afford. Help them look into scholarships, and encourage them to get a part-time job. This way, they can start saving before entering college. If you have kids who are already in college, talk to them about getting a part-time job during the school year and a full-time job for the summer to help them avoid accruing debt. Finally, talk with them about learning to live on a budget.
6. Set clear boundaries.
Balancing money and relationships can be complicated. The best thing to do is set healthy boundaries and talk about expectations. It’s hard to say no to parents or children when you’re trying to work on your finances. But don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for trying to take care of your own household first.
Source: RamseySolutions.com
The following resources are available to help you stay financially fit — whether you’re single or caring for aging parents or children. These resources are confidential and available to you at no extra cost.
Resources for you
SmartDollar is an online personal finance program that gives you a practical way to change how you handle money. Learn how to save more money and prepare for retirement, including making the best use of your Costco Retirement Plan. Register and log in at SmartDollar, call 844-283-9381 or text COSTCO to 33789* to download the app.
*Message and data rates may apply
SmartDollar is an online personal finance program that gives you a practical way to change how you handle money. Learn how to save more money and prepare for retirement, including making the best use of your Costco Retirement Plan. Register and log in at SmartDollar, call 844-283-9381 or text COSTCO to 33789* to download the app.
*Message and data rates may apply
SmartDollar is an online personal finance program that gives you a practical way to change how you handle money. Learn how to save more money and prepare for retirement, including making the best use of your Costco Retirement Plan. Register and log in at SmartDollar, call 844-283-9381 or text COSTCO to 33789* to download the app.
*Message and data rates may apply