It’s OK to see a therapist
Wondering if therapy is right for you? You may be struggling with a major life transition, a difficult family issue or a serious behavioral health challenge. Whatever the case, therapy offers tools and insights to help you make positive changes. In fact, about 75% of people who undergo therapy show some benefit from it. 1
To learn more about what happens in therapy and how it might benefit you, watch the helpful videos linked below.
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What is mental health?
– Hello, I’m Roxane Battle,
and I’m here today with
Dr. Arielle Walzer,
a licensed psychologist in New York.
She loves long walks in Central Park
and spending time with her cat, Maby.
And today we’re here to
help you better understand
your mental health.
Hello, Dr. Walzer, how are you?
– I’m great, how are you?
– I’m doing well, thank you.
Let’s start with the basics.
What does the term mental health mean?
– Mental health is a term for
how we’re feeling emotionally,
how we’re able to cope
with the typical stressors
in our lives and how well we’re
managing our relationships
both with ourselves and with others.
– Is there a connection
between our mental health
and our physical health?
– Definitely, our mental
health and our physical health
are always influencing each other.
And just like everybody
has physical health,
everyone has mental health.
We’re all just at different levels
and we change levels all the time.
We sometimes go through stages
where we feel really
great about ourselves,
and it feels like we can
take on any challenge
that comes our way.
And then at other times
we might feel really down,
or anxious, or feel like we’re struggling
just to get through our days.
– It’s not normal to have
mental health concerns, is it?
– It’s actually really normal
to have mental health concerns.
Ideally, we would all
have perfect mental health
at all times, but the
reality is that most people
go through certain periods in their lives
where that’s not the case.
– So I’m curious, Dr. Walzer,
just like how many people
actually need help with
their mental health?
– Glad you asked that question, Roxane.
At any given time about one in five people
in the United States is struggling
with a diagnosable mental health disorder.
And there are many more people
who don’t necessarily have a disorder,
but they can still use some
help with their mental health.
– You use the word “disorder,”
do you need to be diagnosed
with a disorder in order to
get help with mental health?
– No, you don’t.
People actually come to treatment
for all kinds of reasons,
so some of us know
that we have a diagnosable
mental health disorder
something like major depression,
or general anxiety disorder
which are two of the most
common mental health disorders.
But other people just aren’t,
we’re not feeling like ourselves,
sometimes it’s something big
has happened in our lives
and we’re just not feeling right.
– So, it’s on the spectrum or range?
– Exactly, people come to
mental health treatment
with all kinds of needs
and goals for themselves.
Sometimes they wanna learn
to cope better with stress,
sometimes they wanna
improve their relationships,
or sometimes they just want to adjust
to some sort of new challenge
that they’re facing.
– It’s so good to know
that we’re not alone
if we need help with our mental health,
and we don’t have to
rate for major crisis,
or breakdown in order to seek help.
– That’s right.
– Thank you, Dr. Walzer.
In our next video, we’ll dispel
fears about asking for help,
and talk about how reaching
out is actually a good thing.
Misconceptions around getting help
– Hello again, I’m Roxane Battle.
And I’m here again with
Dr. Arielle Walzer,
a licensed psychologist in New York.
Today, we’re talking
about the fear we have
about reaching out for help
with our mental health.
Hello again Dr. Walzer.
– Hi Roxane.
How are you?
– I’m great.
It’s good to see you again.
What are some common
myths about getting help?
Some common fears that keep
people from seeking treatment.
– There are definitely a lot
of fears that people have.
In some communities, there’s a lot of fear
and shame around seeking
help with mental health.
Some people are afraid
that it means they’re betraying
their cultural beliefs
or sharing family secrets.
Mental health can sometimes be something
that’s never talked about openly.
And in other parts of the countries
we’re actually seeing a trend
toward people becoming more open
about working with their mental health.
More and more we’re
seeing people celebrate it
and suggest it to others.
There are some celebrities
who have actually
become mental health advocates
and made the news sharing their stories
and encouraging others.
– Hmm, yes. I’ve seen
that, several celebrities
Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka come to mind.
Aly Raisman, Demi Lovato,
Michael Phelps, Brandon Marshall.
I mean, they’re all in their unique way
raising awareness and normalizing talking
about their mental health.
And I think what’s really
impactful is that people
with so much public attention
are still willing to talk
about how they’re feeling
without being afraid of being judged.
Fear of judgment is something
that can keep people
from getting help. Right?
– Right. And even when people accept
that others need help and
they don’t judge them for it
it’s actually really common for people
to have self-judgment about seeking help.
They often feel like therapy
is something that’s great
for other people, but they’re not used to
thinking about it as a
possibility for themselves.
So even when they recognize
that they’re experiencing
a lot of stress or anxiety or sadness
they’re just not sure
if therapy is for them.
A frequent fear that people have is
that seeking mental health
treatment means something
like I’m crazy or I’m broken or weak.
We hear these fears
even from some of the most put together,
strongest, smartest people.
And they’re just not true.
Getting mental health help is a positive,
active step that you
can take for yourself.
It’s not a negative
and it doesn’t mean that you’re crazy.
– Right. Right.
I’m so glad to hear you say that.
I know you’re not a fan of the word crazy
and neither am I.
So let me ask as a mental
health professional
Dr. Walzer, what do you think
of people who seek help
for their mental health?
– Personally I really respect
those people who ask for help.
It takes a lot of
self-awareness to recognize,
“Hey there’s something
that I can do better at,”
or, “there might be a way
to feel better and happier
and more relaxed in my life.”
Taking that first step of asking for help
like reaching out to a therapist
or finding a mental health
program takes a lot of strength
and it shows that you’re
a proactive person.
I actually sometimes
think of going to therapy
as similar to seeing a personal trainer.
So you think about the
reasons that someone
might hire a personal trainer it’s usually
because they have physical fitness goals
for themselves or they,
and they, they think
that the personal trainer can
help them learn new skills
stay motivated and achieve those goals.
Seeing a personal trainer
doesn’t mean you’re weak,
it doesn’t mean you’re unhealthy,
you’re out of shape.
Some of the fittest people
go to personal trainers.
What it means is that you really value
your physical health
and you wanna improve.
That same thing applies
to seeing a therapist
or getting any kind of mental health help.
It shows that you’re
someone who’s ready to take
on a challenge and commit
yourself to improvement.
It means you really value yourself
and value your mental health.
– Yeah. That’s really
great to hear Dr. Walzer.
Thank you for explaining
all of that so clearly
– Pleasure. Thank you.
– Next time, we’ll talk
about types of help
and what you can do to start
feeling better on your own.
Caring for your mental health
– Hello again, I’m Roxane Battle,
and I’m here with psychologist,
Dr. Arielle Walzer.
Today, we’re talking about
types of mental health
and things you can do to start
feeling better on your own.
Hello again, Dr. Walzer.
– Hi, how are you doing?
– I’m great, thanks.
Good to be here with you again.
So let’s talk about what mental
health treatment looks like.
What does it look like?
Well, a lot of people
fear mental health treatment
because they have images for movies
or pop culture where they’ll
be made to lay on a couch
and talk about their
dreams, or they’re forced
to take medications that
make them feel like zombies.
These ideas tend to be pretty
outdated and unrealistic.
Mental health treatment
actually looks different
for different people.
– So one size does not fit all?
– Exactly, because we
all have different needs.
One of the most common ways
that people get treatment is
by speaking to a therapist.
You can talk to your therapist
about what’s going on for you,
and the therapist will help guide you
through learning new skills that apply
to your situation and
can help you feel better.
Therapy can be challenging at times,
but it shouldn’t be scary.
The right therapist for you is someone
who you feel comfortable with
and who treats you with respect,
like a partner in your own treatment.
One of the types of
therapy that has been shown
to work well for most people is called
cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT.
– Cognitive behavioral therapy.
That sounds complicated.
– Yeah, it does, but it’s actually not.
In cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT,
we learn about how our
emotions are connected
to our thoughts and behaviors.
That word, cognitive, just
means related to our thoughts.
If we could, we’d probably all choose
to make ourselves feel happy all the time,
but it’s just not that simple.
Our feelings don’t come out of nowhere.
In CBT, we start to see how our thoughts
and behaviors are influencing each other,
and they’re influencing how we feel.
We can then learn skills for changing
our unique patterns of
thinking and acting.
So the ones that are
keeping us feeling down
and stressed out or anxious.
– So you’re saying by
changing our thoughts,
we can change the way we act and feel.
– Yes, it’s not a good strategy
to just tell yourself, stop feeling bad.
If that worked, we’d all do it,
but working on our thoughts
can actually be effective,
and a CBT therapist or program
can you how to do that.
CBT is a treatment that works for a lot
of different mental health concerns,
including some of the most
common ones, depression, anxiety.
Over years of study, has
been shown to be effective
for many different people,
helping them feel a lot better.
– That’s really good to hear.
You mentioned working with a therapist
or a program, but are
there things I can do
on my own to help myself feel better?
– Yeah, people often get
help from a therapist,
but not everybody needs
or wants a therapist.
Sometimes, people wanna work on their own,
work at their own pace.
For those people, there are options
for other types of treatment.
Recently, online or
smartphone-app-based treatment
has become really popular.
There are some apps out
there that are designed
to help guide people
through learning skills
to improve their mental health.
They can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
Some of these apps also
allow people to speak
with or message coaches who
can help keep them on track.
There are a lot of apps out there.
So if you choose to go that
route, just wanna say check
to see that the creator
of the app is trustworthy.
Some apps are free and others involve
licensed mental health professionals.
Those ones usually aren’t,
but the cost might be covered
by your health insurance, the same way
that in-person treatment is covered.
– Oh, that’s good to know.
– Yeah, and another thing
you can also always do
on your own is just to make sure
that you’re taking time to
do the things that you enjoy
and spend time with people you care about.
When we’re struggling
with our mental health,
we often have a natural
instinct to start doing less
and less and to avoid other people,
but that can make things harder.
Pushing ourselves to
keep up with the things
that bring us little
joy, even when it’s tough
to get the motivation to do
it, can be really helpful.
For me, cuddling with my cat, Maby,
and playing with her is a stress reliever.
I also always make sure
to get outside for a walk each day.
That’s essential to maintaining
my own mental health.
So I push myself to do it,
even when I really don’t feel like it.
– Thank you for sharing
your personal experience
and sort of practicing
what you’re teaching here.
That’s really great tips,
and I look forward to talking
with you next time about what to expect
in therapy and how we can help others
who might be needing help
with their mental health.
The road to feeling better
– Hello again, I’m Roxane
Battle, and I’m here, once again,
with Psychologist, Dr. Arielle Walzer.
Today, we’re talking
about what you can expect
in seeking treatment for
anxiety and depression
and will offer ways you can help someone
who might be feeling a bit down
or need help with their mental health.
Hello again, Dr. Walzer.
– Hi, nice to see you
again. How you doing?
– I’m good, good to see you.
As we were wrapping up this series,
I think that one question I wanna ask is,
for people dealing with
anxiety and depression,
will we always feel this way?
Does therapy actually work?
– Yeah, that’s a good,
important question to ask.
When you’re feeling depressed or anxious
or stressed, every day
can feel like forever.
It can seem like you’ll never feel better,
but that’s not usually the case.
Most people find that therapy
helps them feel better
about themselves and about their ability
to manage stressful or
difficult things in their lives.
About 75% of people who try therapy feel
that they benefited from it.
– 75%? That’s huge!
So what you’re saying is that most people
who try therapy end up feeling better.
– Yeah, and if you’ve
tried therapy before,
and you haven’t found it helpful,
that doesn’t necessarily mean
that it can’t work for you.
It’s important that you get the right kind
of treatment for you
and your specific needs.
So it just might mean that you
should try a different type
of treatment or a different therapist.
– Okay and so is there a timeline
for how long it should take
before I start feeling better?
– Yeah, the good news is
that people often start feeling better
really early on in treatment.
In just the first few sessions,
most people in therapy start
to see a significant change
in how they’re feeling.
To make sure that people continue
to have better mental
health long after treatment,
treatment usually lasts a bit longer after
you first start to notice that difference.
Depending on your own particular needs,
you might be able to get
great long-lasting results
in somewhere between a
few weeks to a few months.
For most people, treatment
should not be something that’s forever.
– Well, that’s good to hear.
– Yeah.
However, I should note that working
on your mental health outside
of a formal treatment program
is a lifelong process.
We have to continue to have healthy habits
and use skills that we learn in treatment
if we wanna maintain good mental health.
– So focus on the journey
and not the destination,
one step at a time
– Right, finishing treatment
doesn’t mean it’s over,
and you’ll never need to think
about your mental health again.
It’s something you’ll always
wanna work on, like exercise.
– So just like exercise and working out,
we often work out together, you know,
have a running buddy, how
can we support each other?
Given that we’re all in this together
with respect to our mental health journey.
– Yeah, yeah, we are all in this together,
and how we support each other depends
on our relationship with
whoever that person is.
If you’re close to someone, and you notice
that they might be having
trouble with their mental health,
you can ask how they’ve been
feeling emotionally, lately,
and you can start an open conversation
about whether seeking treatment
might be the right move for them,
but for most people that we know,
that conversation might not
be what they need from us.
– Yeah, that’s a good point.
Especially, at work when we
might not know people as well.
So what advice do you have
to be supportive in those situations?
– Yeah, it’s a common situation.
There are two things that we can always do
to help those around us who are struggling
with their mental health,
such as coworkers.
One, we can be open
about our own struggles.
So everyone has a
different level of comfort
with this and comfort with sharing,
but you can share times that you’ve needed
and received mental health treatment.
That makes other people feel less alone.
It makes them feel safer to ask for help,
and if you’re a manager,
you can let your team know
about resources that your company offers,
like employee assistance programs
or mental health benefits
through your health insurance
and then two, we can just
always treat others kindly
and gently, recognizing that, you know,
when they’re acting in
a way that frustrates us
or that we don’t understand,
there might be something going
on with them behind the scenes.
Being understanding and compassionate
to others is just never the wrong move.
– Oh man, I’m so glad
to hear you say that.
You’re right.
We can never go wrong being kind
because we really are in this together.
Thank you, Dr. Walzer for your expertise.
You share some really
great mental health tips
with all of us.
– Thank you so much for
having me. Glad I can help.
– Yes, thank you.
1 American Psychiatric Association Understanding psychotherapy and how it works.
Source: AbleTo . Mental health myths vs reality .
If you or a dependent has been thinking about therapy, the following resources can help. They’re confidential and available to you at no extra cost.